Alpha Boarding Kennels Testimonials - Trina
Dear Greg, Amy and all the trainers at Alphadog,
What can I say but thankyou!...
You have recently had our beautiful dog Misty at your Boarding School for the 10 day course. Misty is an "adopted" dog and while we went into this with our eyes wide open to potential problems (dogs don't usually get taken to the pound because they are "great" dogs) we seemed to hit a wall about 2 months ago as Misty's behaviour got worse - the honeymoon was definitely over. We tried everything, private trainers, traditional dog training schools, advice from friends, books, you name it, we tried it. I'm sure all we did was confuse ourselves and the poor dog. Barking was our biggest issue, as soon as the lights went out at night, Misty would go into overdrive. She barked at imaginary possums, the wind, if someone sneezed three streets away! During the day our neighbours could not use their side gate without Misty going nuts. Again we tried everything but no matter what we could not get consistent results. By this stage we were all frustrated, sleep deprived (us and Misty) and at a loss as to how to solve this and keep our beautiful dog. Probably the worst of all of this is I could see progress (mostly) and potential but im sure everyone else disagreed. I just couldn't work out how to connect!
Shortly after we got Misty I saw the Alphadog van at the shopping centre where I work, for some reason it stuck in my head. After a really bad night, Misty barked from midnight 'till 6 in the morning and nothing was going to shut her up. I decided to call Alphadog, see what they had to say. That was truly the best phone call I have ever made... Greg told me he could help, he told me about how it worked and why. I visited the kennels that afternoon and met Amy, straight away I felt comfortable and booked Misty in, really what did I have to lose. We sent Misty away and while it was so hard (I'm such a sook) I knew we had made the right decision.
Two weeks passed and our beautiful girl returned with Greg and instantly I knew there was a change. Misty watched Greg for direction (watched!!) She did all the things he asked, she stayed even though we could tell she wanted to come to us, OUR DOG had SELF CONTROL. Now our turn.... Misty did it for us too!!!!! WOW is all I could think. We threw everything at her, cats, kids, visitors.. and still she did as asked. Now it was time for Greg to go, oh no..... It still worked. I could feel the connection, Misty knew what we were asking, we knew how to ask. Finally we were on the same page.
Now the big test.... Bed time.... Earlier in the night Misty had barked at the next doors gate, I had marked her and she didn't bark again (no correction) But now it was bed time... ahhh... 10 minutes after lights out... no barking... 20 minutes... no barking... wake up the next morning... no barking all night!!!!! The next night... earlier in the night a possum... marked... corrected... that night we all slept, all night, Misty did not bark all night.
Alphadog methods really are so simple, they work and I now know we are going to enjoy the next 15 years with a super dog all because now we know what to do. There is no confusion for us or Misty. I will keep you updated but for now we can not thank you enough.. Thank goodness I saw your van all those months ago, Karma? maybe?
Trina Clarke, family and Misty
PS the cats say thanks too, they can now be in the same place as the dog, at the same time. WOW!